SBA 504
The SBA 504 is for all owner-occupied businesses. The proceeds can be used for fixed-asset acquisitions, construction, and refinancing debt.
Program Details:
Loan Amount: $300,000 to $12,000,000
Rates: Start in the mid 3's for the SBA portion (40%) + the Bank's rate (50%)
Terms: Bank term 10-year (1st)/ SBA portion 20 to 25-year term
Loan to Value: 75% to 90%
Prepayment: Declining prepayment penalty
Recourse or Non-Recourse: Recourse
Program Benefits :
The SBA 504 program offers low down payments. With a down payment of 10%, businesses can conserve their working capital for the business needs.
The SBA 504 program offers a low fixed rate on the 504 portion of the loan. With a low fixed rate, business owners don't have to worry about the prime rate fluctuating on the 504 portion during the term of their loan.
The SBA 504 program offers longer terms, which lowers a business's monthly payment. In turn, this frees up a business's cash flow that can be used in other aspects of the business.
The SBA 504 program has no balloon.